Navajo Mine Begins Operations

Navajo Mine begins large-scale mining operations in 1963 by its original operator, Utah International in areas south of Fruitland, New Mexico on the Navajo Nation.
Lauren Burgess
January 6, 2021

Rare Earth Investment

NTEC acquires interest in Texas Minerals Corp. to invest in rare earth minerals project near El Paso, Texas. Rare earth minerals are needed to build…
Lauren Burgess
December 14, 2020

New Mine Operator

NTEC names North American Coal Corp. as the new Navajo Mine operator.  North American Coal forms Bisti Fuels LLC to operate Navajo Mine. Bisti assumes…
Lauren Burgess
December 14, 2020

Lease Extension

Department of Interior and the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement issue a record of decision approving a 25-year site lease extension for Navajo…
Lauren Burgess
December 14, 2020

NTEC Creation

The Navajo Nation creates NTEC under Navajo law as an autonomous commercial entity to “promote the development of the Navajo Nation’s resources and new sources…
Lauren Burgess
December 14, 2020