Gas Generation

Clean, efficient generation partnered with solar power for 24/7 generating capacity.

Gas is an efficient, clean, and economical energy source.

1700 MWs

of Gas Generation

Peaking gas power plant units are an important piece of the future clean energy portfolio within the NavEnergy Hub. There are approximately 720 MW of peaking and 1000 MW of combined cycle technologies planned. These units will work alongside solar and potentially wind assets to provide dependable 24/7 generation capacity. In addition, they offer much needed grid reliability support to the very congested Four Corners energy trading hub. Installing peaking gas generation at Four Corners ensures that the Navajo Nation can continue to directly benefit from the resources and infrastructure already in place throughout the region.

Using gas for energy results in fewer emissions of CO2 and nearly all other types of air pollutants. Demand for gas is expected to continue to increase as gas utilized in quick start turbines is reliable and ideal to support renewable solar technologies. The two in tandem ensure energy is provided all 24 hours of the day; peak and evening hours.




Peaking gas power plants are highly efficient, converting more of the fuel's energy into electricity, leading to lower costs and less waste.


Peaking gas power plant turbines are designed to utilize hydrogen when commercially available, preparing for future energy sources.


Competitive pricing makes gas an appealing choice for consumers and industries alike.


Peaking gas power plants serve as reliable backups for intermittent renewable sources such as solar, ensuring grid stability.