Stewardship & Reclamation

We go the extra mile to protect our land, water, air and wildlife.

Our list of reclamation awards show our commitment to restoring mined lands. But the best awards are seeing wildlife return. We’re honest, transparent, and committed to doing what’s best for our communities, employees, customers, and stakeholders.

Excellence in Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Award 2024 Winner for Reclamation at Navajo Mine

US Department of Interior’s Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) awarded NTEC the 2024 Excellence in Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Award for reclamation at Yazzie Pit at Navajo Mine.

“It takes corporate stewards, citizen public servants, and all levels of government working in partnership to ensure that land mined for coal is restored and transformed,” said OSMRE Principal Deputy Director Sharon Buccino. “The reclamation performed by this year’s awardees are examples of the ideals envisioned by Congress for coal mine land reclamation under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act.”

Full story

Gallery: Plants and wildlife show final approval of our reclamation work.

Reclamation Projects and Awards

  • 2021: Wyoming Excellence in Surface Mining and Reclamation-Spring Creek Alluvial Valley Floor Reconstruction
  • 2017: National Good Neighbor Award, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2016: Industry Reclamation and Wildlife Stewardship, Wyoming Game and Fish Department
  • 2014: National Excellence in Surface Mining and Reclamation, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2014: Wyoming Excellence in Surface Mining and Reclamation, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
  • 2013: National Excellence in Surface Mining and Reclamation, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2013: Wyoming Excellence in Surface Mining and Reclamation, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
  • 2012: National Good Neighbor Award, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2011: National Good Neighbor Award, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2010: National Excellence in Surface Mining and Reclamation, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2010: Wyoming Excellence in Surface Mining and Reclamation, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
  • 2009: Wildlife Habitat Reclamation and Stewardship Award, Wyoming Game and Fish Department
  • 2008: National Good Neighbor Award, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2003: National Excellence in Surface Mining and Reclamation, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2003: Wyoming Excellence in Surface Mining and Reclamation, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
  • 2017: National Good Neighbor Award, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2015: Wyoming Excellence in Surface Mining and Reclamation, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
  • 2015: National Excellence in Surface Mining and Reclamation, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2012: National Good Neighbor Award, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2011: National Good Neighbor Award, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2008: National Good Neighbor Award, Office of Reclamation and Surface Mining Enforcement
  • 2006: Wyoming Excellence in Surface Mining and Reclamation, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
  • 2024: Excellence in Reclamation National Award, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Awarded for Yazzie Reclamation Project.
  • 2023: Excellence in Reclamation Awards, New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, “The Yazzie Wildlife Bluff” that demonstrates commitment to ensuring the land, water, air, and wildlife are restored to a balance state using innovative reclamation.
  • 2022: Excellence in Reclamation National Award, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Awarded for bringing 61 acres of the Upper Chinde Wetland Complex and Lower Chinde Wash Wetlands back to life at the Navajo Mine
  • 2022: Excellence in Reclamation Awards, New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, “Chinde Wash Wetland and Riparian Mitigation” project further demonstrates NTEC’s commitment to offset mining impacts through responsible actions and practices to restore land, water, and natural resources to a balanced state for future beneficial use. 
  • 2021: Excellence in Reclamation Awards, New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, Restoring the Land, One Watershed at a Time” that holistically applies geomorphic principles and other innovative methods to return thousands of acres of Navajo Nation land to a self-sustaining post mine land grazing use
  • 2020: Excellence in Reclamation National Award, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Awarded for a watershed design known as the South Barber Watershed reclamation which included the removal and redesign of an old gradient terrace.
  • 2020: National Mineral Education Award in the Public Outreach Category from Interstate Mining Compact Commission, Awarded for Navajo Mine’s dedication to cultivate interest in mining, reclamation, and STEM-related careers through education, outreach, and community service to help students and residents from the Navajo Nation and surrounding communities.
  • 2019: Good Neighbor Award, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Awarded for Navajo Mine’s support of educational initiatives in the local communities.
  • 2019: Excellence in Reclamation Awards, New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, Powering the Navajo Nation through Education: Dedication to cultivate interest in mining, reclamation, and STEM-related careers through education, outreach, and community service to help students and residents from the Navajo Nation and surrounding communities
  • 2016: Excellence in Reclamation National Award, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Awarded for redesign and replacement of the Chinde Diversion with a natural functioning stream channel and restoration of the Upper Chinde Wetlands.
  • 2018: National Association of State Land Reclaimationists, Outstanding Reclamation Award, Impressive reclamation and innovative practices
  • 2017: Thunder Basin Grasslands Prairie Ecosystem Association – Certificate of Participation to all NTEC operations, Protection of sage-grouse and other obligate species
  • 2017: Excellence in Reclamation National Award, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement,  Enhanced reclamation success through diversity of topography, soil and vegetation
  • 2012: Good Neighbor Award to all NTEC operations, Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation Enforcement – Reclamation and mining education outreach, flood responses
  • 2009: Excellence in Reclamation National Award, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Voluntary plantings of rare mustard plant (woolly twinpod)
  • 2005 – Excellence in Reclamation National Award, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement,  Reclamation of the South Fork stream channel

We are proud to be consistently recognized by industry associations and regulatory agencies for our outstanding environmental record.