With mines in Wyoming and Montana, NTEC employees live and work across the Powder River Basin. NTEC is proud to be part of these communities and is dedicated to making a positive impact on the people around us every day. We support local events like the Wyoming State Fair, provide scholarships for PRB students, and sponsor the 4H. We are truly out there with our neighbors, side by side, working together to solve problems and empower people.
Here are just a few of the community projects NTEC supports:
- 4H Sponsorships: NTEC buys prize livestock from youth organizations to donate the meat to Community and Senior Centers.
- Wyoming State Fair: NTEC sponsors the Fair and participates in the parade with floats with our families.
- Yellowstone Family Dig It Days: NTEC sends equipment and funds to support this fun family event hosted by industry professionals to teach kids about safety when digging.
- Employee Events: NTEC believes in offering our employees opportunities to celebrate and interact through Family Day events, picnics, parties, and National Miner’s Day Celebrations.
- School Support: NTEC supports schools throughout the PRB with Booster sponsorships for a variety of sports and activities.